4 Transmission Overheating Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore & Their Causes

There are four main symptoms that your transmission is overheating and needs to be serviced, fast. They are slow response time, burning odor, front-end vibration, and slipping gears.


If you are worried your transmission may be overheating, this article is full of signs, symptoms, and solutions to many of the most common problems.


4 Signs Your Transmission Is Overheating

Transmission overheating symptoms

There are plenty of signs that can indicate your transmission is overheating. These are not things to ignore or put on the back burner, even if they do not seem significant at the time.


Letting an overheating transmission go for too long is a recipe for disaster and can create enough damage that the repairs will cost more than many can afford.


1. Slow Transmission Response Time or Hesitation


The transmission’s job is to put the vehicle into gear and provide power in a controlled and progressive manner. When the transmission doesn’t function properly, the changes between gears may take longer to apply.


2. Bad Odor Coming From the Front End


Another sure-tell sign that your transmission might be overheating is a pungent acidic burning smell that permeates from the front end of your vehicle.


Because transmissions require chemical fluids to do their job, they will often start to burn when the transmission overheats. This odor will not go unnoticed, and it has a distinct smell.


3. Vibrations While Idling or Accelerating


When your transmission cannot function properly due to overheating, you will begin to notice it struggles while attempting to shift and stay in gear. This will cause the vehicle to vibrate as the working parts try to perform.


4. Gears Slipping


The last significant indication your transmission is overheating has to do with gear slippage. A poorly functioning transmission cannot transition between gears smoothly and may start to malfunction.


Why is Your Transmission Overheating?


After talking to professional mechanics, we compiled a list of the most commonly seen causes for overheated transmissions. Sadly, many of the reasons were completely avoidable.


Here are a few of the more frequently seen contributing factors to an overheated transmission and the ways you can avoid it.


Low Transmission Fluid


People often underestimate the importance of having clean and enough transmission oil in their vehicles. Most car owners ensure their engine oil is well maintained, but many neglect to watch their transmission levels.


If the transmission fluid is too low, it is not providing the required amount of lubricant and heat reduction needed for a properly functioning transmission. Without enough fluid, your transmission will have to work harder to do its job, creating too much friction and heat.


Solution: Keep an eye on the transmission fluid level; you can do this with the provided transmission dipstick attached to your car. If you have low fluid, make sure to top them off. If your transmission oil levels are frequently low, determine what is causing it to drain, usually a faulty seal or a fluid leak.


High Temperatures


It is not only living beings that can suffer severely in extremely hot and humid temperatures. A hot day will cause an overheated transmission system rather quickly.


Solution: Give your vehicle plenty of time to cool down in between uses and try to park your car in a shaded space to avoid direct sun exposure.


Faulty Sensors


Vehicles have many electronic components to keep them running properly and help diagnose any issues quickly. Although newer technology does improve vehicle performance and problems, it comes with its own set of disadvantages.


If a transmission control module sensor is faulty, the information it feeds to the command center is incorrect and can create many problems.


Solution: Faulty sensors are one issue that is easily detected by the check engine light on the dashboard in your car. Never ignore these lights and have the sensors fixed immediately.


Radiator Problems


The radiator and cooler line systems are the main temperature-controlling units in a vehicle. If either of these systems fails or begins to break down, they will no longer have the ability to keep the internal parts of the vehicle cool, quickly leading to an overheated transmission.


Solution: The best solution to radiator problems is knowing when to identify a problem. If your vehicle seems to be overheating for no reason ( no matter how far you drive, the speed you are moving, or the frequency of use), you are probably looking at radiator problems.


How to Prevent an Overheated Transmission


You can’t always be prepared for car troubles, and there are a lot of issues that are out of our control. However, there are a few ways you can take measures to help decrease the likelihood of an overheated transmission.


Frequent Vehicle Maintenance


Like always, the best way to prevent any problems with your vehicle is by providing proper maintenance on a routine basis. Most of the maintenance requirements for vehicles can be located in the manufacturer’s guide, giving you a good idea of when to have your fluids and transmission checked, as well as other helpful information.


Purchase Quality Transmission Fluid (and the right fluid)


Despite what some people may tell you, not all fluids are alike. The chemicals and additives used in transmission fluid are going to look different depending on the manufacturer and the vehicles it was created for.


If you use poor quality fluid or the wrong type of fluid for your vehicle, you will quickly notice the mistake.


Don’t Take Your Transmission for Granted


Everyday vehicle transmissions are not made for fast acceleration or shifting gears during a rolling stop. Take care of your transmission by stopping completely before shifting gears, gradually accelerating your speed, and don’t idle for long periods.


Summing Things Up


Your transmission will not go out without a fight, so pay close attention to what your vehicle is telling you and never ignore any symptoms of an overheating transmission. If the problem isn’t corrected promptly, you won’t like the expensive and time-consuming outcome.

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